What is Englewood Speaks?
Englewood Speaks was birthed out of The Chicago Community Trust’s On The Table - an annual forum designed to elevate civic conversation, foster new relationships and inspire collaborative action across the region. Sonny Speaks facilitated a conversation entitled Gentrification: Good or Bad. Although the participants left the conversation polarized and uncertain about stopping gentrification, we agreed that we can leave our mark our community by telling our stories. With that I mind Sonny Speaks applied for the Acting Up Award so that our ideas can be transformed into actionable task to benefit our community. This award allows Sonny Speaks to facilitate a series of storytelling with stories from teens, teachers, parents and elders in the Englewood Community,
Englewood Speaks: Summer Series
To Tell The Truth - storytellers tell tales, but whose telling the truth, the audience will determine...
Saturday, July 20th | 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Kusanya Cafe | 825 West 69th Street Tickets are $10 online or $15 at the door |
Sip & Say: I'll Drink to That - a storytelling event that pairs stories with spirits
Saturday, August 17th | 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Kusanya Cafe | 825 West 69th Street Tickets are $10 online or $15 at the door |
Platforms in the Park
Platforms in the Park is a city-wide initiative to empower, connect, inspire, and activate all of Chicago through local, community-led experiences.
Through Chicago Ideas’ new city-wide initiative to promote storytelling experiences at designated platforms across Chicago's parks, Platforms in the Park, we plan to continue our work around Mental Health through an event entitled Free Your Mind.
This event will use storytelling as well as other art forms to explore, discuss and address Mental Health issues in our community. Storytelling will be the featured art form but other art forms like music, visual arts, exercise, dance, poetry, and healthy eating will also be represented. Representatives from different art forms will also share ways in which participants can connect with other “art minded people” as a way to address Mental Health. I am reaching out to see if you would consider being a contributor to this event. |
Storytellers & Special Guest
Sip N Say: I'll Drink To That
Englewood Speaks: Summer 2018 Series
Episode 4: Things moma used to say...
This episode featured community residents that shared stories about Mothers and Motherhood.
Episode 3: I Remember When...
This episode featured community residents that shared stories about growing up in Englewood - I Remember When... The stories are not available right not - Coming Soon!
Episode 2: Things i learned while i was teaching
This episode featured Teachers sharing their stories - "Things I Learned while I Was Teaching". Click on the picture to hear a particular storytellers story.
Episode 1: The Young Men of Englewood
This episode featured Teens from The Young Men of Englewood shared their stories.
This episode featured The Young Men of Englewood sharing stories about living in one of the most infamous neighborhoods in Chicago - Englewood.
* The Young Men of Englewood is a program that is part of The Salvation Army Englewood Red Shield Center.
This series is made possible through a micro-grant from On The Table. On The Table is Chicago Community Trust's initiative that awards community leaders and activists with a micro-grant to continue to do community building events. Sonny Speaks was awarded a micro-grant to facilitate a series of storytelling events in Englewood with stories by teens, parents, the elderly and other local stakeholders.
#ChiTrustActingUp #OnTheTable2017
#ChiTrustActingUp #OnTheTable2017